Why OmniSpec Works

OmniSpec changes the game for training and development. Here’s why it works for so many:

  • Provides LOCAL and on-demand training at any location

  • Mobile, networked, and distributed learning anywhere, anytime

  • Full career-continuum development

  • Reduces training time

  • Enhances resilience and retention

  • Fosters organic training capability

We create a cohesive education pedagogy incorporating career-development pathways to confidently flow people through increasing levels of knowledge, skill, and mastery.

Then, we selectively integrate modern technologies like computer-based training (CBT), augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and Assistive Live Display Systems (ALDS) .

Transforming  Sustainment Training

We provide persistent training,

locally and on-demand,

via a modern training system

Sustainment training is any training (core, upgrade, certification, or qualification) that is needed outside of formal schoolhouses. Sustainment training focuses on full career progression (entry-, mid-, mastery-levels), developing skills, knowledge, and wisdom within technical specialties and occupations.


What Is OmniSpec


Where We Apply Technology